8 piece expert-approved gift set


The Little Bites Set is awesome! The mealtime experience is meant to be magical for children learning about eating. The Little Bites Set makes mealtime stress-free from the beginning, for both baby and parent and less stress means more success (and fun)!

When first introducing a child to solid foods, the way they are presented is very important.
• The vibrant divided suction plate and bowl make foods easy to see
• The suction keeps frustration low, and the borders allow those teeny fingers or spoons to scoop up food
• The texture on the utensils provides sensory input and a cue for where to hold the spoon

- Tori Southerland, MS, OTR/L Occupational Therapist

Straw drinking develops muscles we use to eat safely and make strong speech sounds for communicating.

Many SLPs think the “sweet spot” for introducing straw drinking is between 9-12 months. However, you can introduce this skill as early as 6 months if your child is demonstrating signs of readiness:
• Sitting with minimal support
• Holding their heads upright and stable
• Bringing objects to their mouths
• Showing interest in what caregivers are eating/drinking

- Addy Brotherton, M.S.P. CCC/SLP Speech Language Pathologist

The goal is to foster a positive introduction to eating solids and promote your baby's success with eating from the start. Bella Tunno's new Little Bites Starter Feeding set is the perfect way to begin your baby's journey with successful and fun feeding.

You have everything you need in the perfectly sized kit, designed specifically for your new eater.
• Sensory bumps to encourage oral exploration and may decrease oral sensitivities
• The design of the utensils promotes self-feeding, allowing your baby to refine their fine motor skills with each feeding
• The soft silicone is safe for baby's gums and developing teeth

- Dr. Jen DiCicco, PT, DPT Pediatric Physical Therapist